12 countries in 12 years

Monday, January 7, 2013

Discover Quito Ecuador with Frank and Angie!

When we were repeatedly told negative things about Quito by several different expats arriving to Cuenca, we thought, “Oh yuck, glad we’re living in Cuenca”. But when we went to visit Quito ourselves, and spent time there, living there, going out to eat, shopping, doing business, getting to know the people, walking around, we found Quito to be a delightful, cosmopolitan city with so much positive going for it.


Quito is a large city of a little over two million people. Quito has a neglected and well, let’s say, underdeveloped area, but what large city doesn’t? We’ve noticed throughout Ecuador, many people build their own homes, and some of them run out of money and cannot buy materials, so many homes are not finished, which doesn’t look very nice, especially when there are many unfinished homes in one area. In these areas you’ll find more garbage on the streets (dogs make the mess, not people so much) and it can make an area look pretty awful. We’ve all seen it in bigger cities in the US.

We’ve noticed these unfinished homes and most of the garbage in only one area of Quito. Besides that, most of Quito is hermosa (beautiful)!

As you’ll see in our video above “Quito Ecuador by bus from Cuenca”, we enter in on the south end (part 1) …and work our way up to the tourist area, (part 2 and 3) which is nice and full of international cafés, restaurants, culture and more.

Of course there is not a big city in the world that does not have some things that are negative to talk about. Quito clearly has many more advantages and benefits than disadvantages and negatives…and the same goes for Cuenca!

Yep, we had a few factual negatives to say about Cuenca, but the advantages and benefits of living/retiring in Cuenca far outweigh the negatives.

One important aspect to remember when you’re looking to move to a foreign country is don’t take anything anyone says or writes about written in stone, not from any source, person, forum, news story, journalist, magazine, company, blog, or website. YOU HAVE TO DECIDE for yourself what feels right for you, by visiting that city. And that’s how we were pleasantly amazed about Quito in contrast to what we were told by some expats.

With that said, in this video above and on the Discover Quito Ecuador Blog we offer our unbiased reporting of facts, experiences and observations about Quito just like we do about Cuenca. We don’t hold anything back…we’ll show and tell our readers the real deal, the good, the bad, and even the ugly. But if you’ve been a follower of our Discover Cuenca Ecuador Blog then you already know that.

If you are think about moving to Ecuador then here is another wonderful city to learn about.  Discover Quito Ecuador with Frank and Angie! Click here for the Discover Quito Ecuador Blog!

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