12 countries in 12 years

F.I.R.E earlier and better



Do you feel stuck, burned out stressed out and worried about your retirement?

Are you tired working all the time and wondering what it's all for?

Are you anxious about getting older and your long term finances?

Do you need quick, reliable, calm support?

If so, keep reading. I’m in the business of helping people just like you.

My clients hire me because I help them get to where they want to go...faster and with ease. 

We find clarity around their core values and take accountability for their goals.

You CAN F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence Retire Early) earlier and/or better, 

exponentially increasing your disposable income and improving your standard of living

so you can live a life of contentment and spend more time with your loved ones through my 8 week tailored coaching program.

If you’re interested in learning more, my contact information is below. Reach out to me and let’s connect!

Frank and Angie

Email:  gringogoodsamaritan(at)yahoo.(com) 


Blog:    http://www.gringogoodsamaritans.com/p/blog.html