12 countries in 12 years

Monday, April 8, 2013

Famous Aji Sauce Recipe Made by Ecuadorians In My Kitchen!

We are blessed to live next door to some wonderful Ecuadorian neighbors. We share recipes with each other. They have made us some excellent homemade humitas and other tasty Ecuadorian foods. I asked Maria if she would like to come over to our house one evening to show me how to make the famous Ecuadorian aji sauce.  And here it is. Maria is a good cook.

Aji sauce is served in most Ecuadorian restaurants as a side dish for putting on rice and chicken. Sometimes it can be quite spicy and other times not spicy at all. We like it spicy but you can substitute regular bell pepper for the hot aji peppers to make a more mild sauce.

There are many different versions of aji sauce. But this recipe is the richest and best tasting we have ever had. And we are pleased to share this recipe with our readers.


4 tomatillos

2 aji peppers

small bunch of cilantro

1 white onion or big bunch of scallions

1 tsp salt

1/4 cup olive oil


1. Boil tomatillos for ten minutes.

2. Mince aji peppers, cilantro, and onion and set aside.

3. Drain tomatillos and cool slighlty.

4. Take skin off tomatillos. Slice off the end end and the skin will easily peel off. 

5. Place tomatillos, peppers, onions, olive oil and salt in blender and blend for several minutes until creamy.

6. Use a small mesh strainer and strain the aji into a small tupperware bowl.

7. Add cilantro and mix well. Add salt to taste.

Aji is really good on brown or white rice, chicken, fish, or whatever you like. Aji sauce lasts in the refrigerator for a full week if covered properly. Enjoy!

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