12 countries in 12 years

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Good, the Great and the Best of Cuenca Ecuador

10 great things we still enjoy about living in Cuenca Ecuador.

1. You can’t escape the beauty of the mountains in Cuenca. They surround the city and provide the city with a beautiful back drop. Waking up in the morning and seeing the Cajas Mountains outside your living room window is a blessing.

2. Inexpensive lunch - Going out to lunch and the tab coming to less than $6 for two people and you get satisfied!  Where else can you do that in the world? We know there are a few other cities where it’s possible, but we live in Cuenca Ecuador!

Brown rice Almuerzo - Quinoa Restaurant

3. Inexpensive dinner – Going out to dinner and the bill coming to less than $12 for two people. Where else can you do that in the world? Ditto again!  You gotta love it here!

4. The big time travel magazines have now listed Cuenca for 2015 as number 6-9 on the Best Places to Live Scale, but it’s still our number one paradise!

5. Not owning a car is a wonderful asset because we walk where we need to go and that makes us healthier, freer, and happier. Woo, what a burden off our shoulders.

6. Transportation system capable and inexpensive in Cuenca. On the days we need to go somewhere when our legs don’t feel like taking us, the buses and taxis are both inexpensive and a wonderful option. Who needs a car in Cuenca?

7. Freeing ourselves of everything that was burdening us in the US. The high cost of living, unclean food, car ownership, property taxes, nosy neighbors, government intimidation and intrusion; all things that were a burden to us is not here in this Cuenca paradise!

8. Cleaner, fresher food we can afford!  We eat fresh fruits and vegetables to our hearts content and we’re healthier because of it. It is great to have the abundance of fresh produce at reasonable prices! Eating healthy is a number one blessing for us.

Fruits & Vegetables $20 bucks!

9. Natural health foods – In El Centro natural health food shops abound.  They might not always have what we need, but they will order almost anything we want, if they can get it shipped here. And in any one of the four Mercados located in Cuenca we can buy fresh herbs.

10. We never get overheated and we never get cold when walking for miles in Cuenca. The weather is perfect for walking and enjoying all that this city has to offer and is another reason why we are still enjoying our life in Cuenca. 

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an Expat Family of Five, Living Frugal, Healthy and Happy Abroad. We
live in Cuenca, Ecuador and travel the Ecuador coast whenever we get a
chance. We just adventured throughout the country of Panama for five
weeks! Come along and enjoy some of our experiences with us!

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