12 countries in 12 years

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

UPDATE Dec. 2015 - Can You Still Find the $250 a month Rental in Cuenca?

To see part 1 of this article click here.

We like to keep our readers updated on what's really happening with Cuenca Ecuador. It's been almost four years since the original posting of this article on February 14, 2012.

The BIG question that many people may want to know is if it is still possible to find rents in the $250 price range... and the Ecuadorians are saying, yes! That was then and this is now. 

Look at our update in 2013 below.

UPDATE August 2013: It is rare to find the same amount of house in the same condition as ours in the $250 price range. We have not yet found a $250 rental as nice and as big as our home rental. We do not want to be discouraging but it just is what it is. However, in the $350 price range and even in the $300 price range you can still find nice 3 and 4 bedroom homes. And we're here to help you find a nice rental in the local price market.

When we moved to Cuenca we already knew that it was possible to rent for $250 or lower.  We're renting in that price range now. But until one sees it and hears it for themselves it may be difficult to believe. 

UPDATE December 2015: Not only is it rare to find a $300 4 bedroom 3 bath home in Cuenca, it is non-existent. That price range was gone a long time ago in 2014.  We can only presume and hope that the Ecuadorians have their own underground market so they are not priced out of their homes. We see a lot of Ecuadorian families "searching" for homes in the $200 to $250 price range. See more new updates at the end of this article. 

We've read on blogs and forums of how people say, "yeah you can rent at $200 to $250 a month in Cuenca but you'll be living in squalor". Uh? Who would say such a thing? Those who have a vested interest in the rental market in Cuenca Ecuador!!

This is a great article written by Karen and sums up her experience talking with the Ecuadorians about rentals here in Cuenca. To see the slide show photos that she attached with her article click here and go to Karen's Blog.

Below is the article on Karen's website. 

What You Get for $250 – Cuenca, Ecuador

In one of my earliest posts, I said that it was possible to live in Cuenca and only pay $250 in rent per month.  A kind commenter, who currently lives in Cuenca, then replied that really the monthly rates are more in the range of $300-$500. So, delaying further discussion, I decided to see for myself.

After a week in Cuenca, talking to everyone from taxi drivers, to friends, to shop keepers and bank officers, I can say that the commenter was WRONG!!  You can absolutely live in a nice place in Cuenca for $250 or under and $250-$300 is considered the higher-end by the average Cuencano.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, that is a fact.

Sure if you want to live the high life/expat life, with the other expats, paying higher rental fees to live in condo buildings that are essentially occupied by other retired expats from North America (ex Mexico)….then go ahead and pay more. [There's also that really fabulous, fully furnished house for $600 that I really want.]  

However, if you are moving to Ecuador to make friends AND save money, well then you are in luck, because there are lots of options, you just need to have patience, a little flexibility and some time.

Okay, so why the serious difference in rental rates (perceived or real) between me and the commenter?  Language skills, living standards, other stuff ….take your pick.  All the conversations I had with people regarding living expenses were in Spanish.  While I did contact one of the expat real estate agents, it was on the last day I was in town and we really did not have a chance to speak.  For $250 and below (and it should be below), you can get a two bedroom newly renovated, apartment and the further you are from El Centro, the cheaper it gets. 

I took a tour of a small, 2nd floor, 2-bedroom apartment that had just been renovated and the asking price was $250, which to me means that for a year lease you can get it for $200.  It is a 10 minute walk from downtown and in a decent/typical area.  I also spoke to the owner of a 2 bedroom, new construction apartment that had just rented it for $180.  It is walking distance to a Coral Supermarket (one of the supermarkets that we all would be happy with), a $2 taxi ride or a $0.25 bus ride to downtown and it is a block off a major road and right on the bus lines.

If you are looking for a place, there are tons of rentals, signs are posted on the homes (“se arrienda”) and foreigners are very welcome.  Just bring along some Spanish or a Spanish speaking friend, and negotiate heavily.

Update 2015: Rarely do you see "se arriendas" anymore. Those too have vanished because the real estate companies have them.

The big prize, however, is the home that originally got me excited about living in Ecuador.  I actually got to see the house in person, had dinner on the beautiful handmade/homemade furniture, and it is now the type of house I aspire to have…at the exact same price or less! [Side Note - Frank, Angie and their boys have created some really incredible furniture pieces, my personal favorite is the dining table and its seating.]

To supplement the pictures of the house, below are pictures of the neighborhood. The house is about a 10 minute, $2, taxi-drive from downtown area, or a $0.25 bus ride.

Pictures of the home I visited, before it was furnished, are at following link – Frank and Angie’s Blog.


So when someone says it is not possible and you can’t, just repeat these words, “Yes you can!”


Update December 2015 - As previously stated in our 2015 update above, no more is the $250 or $300 house. The price range now for the same value and standard of home is $450 to $600, and that's unfurnished. We're talking about a house not an apartment. If it has a nice sized yard, it could cost up to $1,500 per month or maybe more. Houses with yards, on one level are a demand from gringos and is why you see they are higher priced.

Rarely you might be able to find a 3 or 4 bedroom for $350 or $400 and the reason it is $350 is because it is on the eastside, or it's a tri-level (gringo's don't like stairs) or it is really old and needs some work, or doesn't have a green space for the dog, or just too far from Supermaxi. 

Apartment rentals in Cuenca have gone up too, but it is easier to find 3/2 apartments in the $400 to $500 range (yes with elevator) and totally furnished for $500 to $750.  However, with that said, apartment buildings with many gringos living there have risen the most and are way over-priced where you will seldom find a 3/2 NOT furnished for under $600. 

Remember the article we just wrote a few days ago about how rents rise so quickly? Here it is again, just in case you missed it. Does Cuenca Have Neighborhoods to Avoid from High Priced Rents? 

Okay then, that is our end of the year (2015) update for rentals in Cuenca Ecuador. Did you like this article? Then you might like these articles too! 

an Expat Family of Five, Living Frugal, Healthy and Happy Abroad. We
live in Cuenca, Ecuador and travel the Ecuador coast whenever we get a
chance. We just adventured throughout the country of Panama for five
weeks! Come along and enjoy some of our experiences with us!

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