12 countries in 12 years

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Downsized in USA - Moving to Ecuador to be Middle Class Again

Someone commented on one of our videos that they were moving to Ecuador so they can be in the middle class again. It's sad when people feel pushed out of their own culture...and being downsized is not a very good reason to move to a foreign culture either; "discontent from within" cannot find content in a country or place.  And for that reason it is best for some people to stay where they were planted and start finding ways to live a comfortable but frugal lifestyle. In USA if you don't have to pay a high rent or mortgage there are so many ways to live in abundance and comfort...you just got to start thinking outside of the mainstream box and start enjoying life in the true sense of those two words.

Read this article for more information - I'm Moving to Ecuador to be in the Middle Class Again


We're an Expat Family of Five, Living Frugal, Healthy and Happy Abroad. We lived in Cuenca Ecuador for five years and now we are in Salinas Ecuador where our adventure continues.We vlog several times per week where we share crucial insights and every day experiences to help others see what its really like to live in a Latin American country.

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