12 countries in 12 years

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Country You Choose to Live Depends on the Type of Person You Are

This article is not meant to label anyone into a specific box…as we all know that would be inappropriate at best. These are just generalities and in no way imply anything other. If you find yourself in one of the categories ask yourself, “why you chose that country” and you’ll find your own answer, if you are honest with yourself.

Budgeter Types (cheapest place to live)

Anywhere retire abroad media touts as cheap gets a horde of visitors and expats that move there. Topping out the list of cheapest cities abroad are Lisbon, Portugal, Medellin, Colombia, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, Lake Chapala, Mexico, Cuenca, Ecuador and Bali, Indonesia, just to name a few.  Remember, we don’t necessarily think any of these countries are cheap; as you know we hack ourselves into being able to live anywhere we want.

Nomadic Types

Nomads work online and so they tend to choose countries that have been touted as being cheap as well as having good internet connectivity. These countries would be Mexico, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Colombia and to a lesser extent some of the Eastern European countries. Business Nomad types with more wealth choose countries like Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore to live.

Political Refugee Types

Political refugees tend to escape to Mexico and to a lesser degree expats are scattered throughout all of the rest of the countries that are on the RAMM circuit every year and we all know what those countries are.

Youtube Travel Vlogger Types

Travel vloggers seem to vlog about the same countries over and over again. But the only country where the most vloggers actually live is Mexico and to a lesser degree, Panama, Colombia, Argentina and Ecuador and some of the Eastern European countries; most of the other countries we list in this type are countries that are just traveled to for a few days or weeks and then vlogged about and they are China, India, Philippines and Turkey.

Seeking Love Types (soul mate)

This type is usually single, divorced men who want a wife who is going to make them feel good as their spouse. They want to be taken care of not disrespected or taken advantage of. However, not all Asian women can be trusted and because of that it doesn’t always work out. The two countries topping the list here are the touted cheaper countries of Philippines and Thailand and to a lesser extent some of the other Asian countries.

Health Care Types

Health care is touted as being really great in most European countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Luxemburg, Finland, and in Japan and Singapore; Norway tops the list for the most expats living in any European country.  Not all of the health care chasers move to Europe however. Many Americans have opted for countries that are more cost effective for day to day living such as Spain, Portugal, Costa Rica, Cuenca Ecuador, Panama, Colombia and even Mexico.

Never to Live Anywhere Else Types

This type takes vacations abroad and enjoys all of what being away as a tourist has to offer but they aren’t likely to uproot their lives, their family and friends and go live in another country, even if they don’t like the state of the current administration. 

Folks who remain in their own country really have nothing to escape and realize no place is paradise and they are actually living a content life just where they were planted.  

Tip: if you already moved abroad and went back home after year or two, then it is a good chance you didn’t choose that country instead you allowed it to get chosen for you by the RAMM, Retire Abroad Media and Magazine or you really did not want to move abroad in the first place.

That’s it! There are other types we didn’t mention in this list, such as the solo wanderer who travels just for the sake of traveling. If you would like to tell us what type you are, let us know in the comments. 

Whether you are interested in living like a king abroad or staying where you’re planted we have some really great information below that can help you achieve more time, more money in your savings and more contentment in life. How does that sound to you?

--Live like a king now, in the USA-- Course info--

Do you feel financially strapped? Does moving to a lower cost country sound appealing? You’ve heard the horror stories of people that moved abroad.  Would you like to  feel like the middle class again? Would you like to live a lifestyle that only feels expensive? Would you like clarity and confidence on living like a King in your own country?  Would you like to plug into a step by step program that will get you there in 8 weeks or less?  Will you let me show you how I was able to do so for years? if you’d like to know how some of these things could work for you, it’s different for everyone, so I’d like to have a chat with you and talk about how you could potentially save at least $1000 per month and live like a king while doing it.  Click here to schedule a chat: 

Live like a king Abroad--Course info--

The places that are touted for living abroad quickly spiral into gringo bubbles.  Do you want to know the insider scoop on how to get to the bottom of the real prices in a foreign country?  Do you want to be able to verify the price of rent, real estate and everything else you’re being told by mainstream retirement press BEFORE you spend thousands of dollars to go there?  Do you want to be in control of how much you spend abroad and avoid gringo bubbles?  Do you want to move abroad and spend half of what your gringo counterparts are spending to live abroad? 

Would you like clarity and confidence on how to find and make your own Shangri'-La?  Will you let me show you how I have been doing so for years? if you’d like to know how some of these things could work for you, it’s different for everyone, so I’d like to have a chat with you and talk about how you could potentially save up to $1000 per month and live like a king while doing it. Click here to schedule a chat: 

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