12 countries in 12 years

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

THE REAL COST OF LIVING BUDGET for the Retire Early Lifestyle Abroad: This can be your's too!

THE REAL COST OF LIVING BUDGET for the Retire Early Lifestyle Abroad: This can be your's too! We've been living the retire early lifestyle abroad for almost a decade now and we are able to do it because we pay the REAL prices for rent, food, transportation, eating out, entertainment. What are the REAL Prices when you MOVE abroad? The real prices are what every resident that lives somewhere permanently can pay to keep prices from going through the roof. It's what the prices really are BEFORE crowds of foreigners move to a place. We understand paying TOURIST prices when you are a tourist or vacationer but what about when you move somewhere with a resident visa? That means permanently, right?  That's the difference. When we moved to Ecuador we already knew the prices for rents and so that's what we paid.  We never understood the paying of tourist prices when you live somewhere permenently and we wouldn't want to pay tourist rents anywhere abroad and won't!


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