12 countries in 12 years

Showing posts with label frank and angie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frank and angie. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Should you be worried about the coronavirus? Update Facts vs. Hysteria

SEE the outline to specific points in the video below. Should you be worried about the coronavirus? We discuss several areas of importance about this viral infection and who is at risk of becoming severely ill and or dying from it. We made this video by understanding what we already know to be true about health and viruses. And after listening to several Wuhan citizens on the ground talk about what is actually happening in the hospitals and after reading reports about how the coronavirus attacks, we simply connected the dots to bring you this very informative updated report. After watching this video YOU WILL KNOW if you should be worried about this virus ot not.

OUTLINE to specific points in the video:
0:01- Introduction

0:53 - Update Feb 6, 2020 Report from Wuhan citizen in Wuhan
1:48 - Update from Wuhan reporter about the sick people in hospitals in Wuhan
3:58 - Hysteria
4:36 - Not minimizing this virus, just bringing you the facts of previous hysterias
5:20 - Who is more succeptible to dying from flu and other virus infections like corona?
7:52 - #1 BEST defense against getting the flu and other viral infections
8:19 - Is the coronavirus really a "novel virus" or is there something else behind that label?
9:34 - Why so many people in China dying and why so many pandemics like this one?
10:42 - The first case of coronavirus infection started and where most cases have been linked to here in Wuhan China.
11:53 - What causes a weak immune system BESIDES what we already know such as bad diet, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking, etc...SEE NOTE BELOW.
14:39 - Wuhan citizens protest THE very thing that is making them sick and dying but nothing changes for the better.
15:09 - We hope our report will shed a new light on this situation for you and your family
16:03 - Don't panic. Instead access your personal health situation and do what it takes for you and your family to stay out of harms way during the spread. Wear a mask, wash hands frequently with soap and water, if there are cases in your city or town, take your children out of school, limit going to crowded areas and stop using public transportation and of course, STAY HEALTHY! We especially say all this if you smoke and or already have COPD and other respiratory issues concerning your health!
16:30 - Epilogue - Thanks for watching and BE well!


NOTE: Our lungs work as a filter system much like a water filter that is attached to the kitchen faucet which filters out pathagens from dirty water. Overtime these water filters need to be replaced with new filters because they stop working as they become corroded with gunk. Our lungs filter germs and bacteria much the same way but if they are already damaged what happens? It goes without saying that smokers and or those people who breath in badly polluted air every day will have unhealthy upper respiratory tract where the cilia (little filters become corroded) cannot do their job anymore, hense pathagens cannot be filtered out, and it is these people who will be more succespitble to dying from the flu and other viral infections like the coronavirus. These pathagens attack our sytem in the upper respiratory tract, often causing viral pneumonia; this is what's happening in China and as it spreads across the globe, elsewhere in the world to those who are succeptible to it.
Sources for this video
Sources: Sciencedaily.com - Numbeo.com

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Expat News Flash: How Did THIS Country Make the Best Place to Retire List?!

How Did THIS Country Make the Best Place to Retire List?! It's a place you wouldn't send your own mother for retirement and yet, here it is; and it's like #5 on the Best Places to Retire List! "What we're they thinking", that's what we're thinking. See outline for all the news flashes below the video.

1. Alternative housing anyone can erect using only a screwdriver. 0:01
2. Portugal stops 0% tax to foreign residents 3:45
3. 50 most dangerous cities in the world 9:23
4. Cheapest countries to retire to in 2020 - Ramm doesn’t give up! 11:27
5. Happiest country in the world! Really? 13:33
6. Vlogger gets mugged violently in this best place to retire country 15:19

NOMADIC MATT blog about crime in Colombia

Would you like to go abroad like a pro? Talk to us! https://tinyurl.com/wpf36s9

Sunday, January 26, 2020

THIS "Live Abroad Attitude" Keeps Us Out of Trouble Financially - Retire Early Abroad

HOW TO RETIRE EARLY ABROAD: We learned early on what kind of outlook you need to have when you travel and live abroad. And it is in our attitude, coupled with commitment that has given us the ability to live a comfortable retire early lifestyle, with some travel that we are enjoying now. We share this with you because if we can do it you can do it. Be sure to watch the suggested videos in our video because they explain some of our strategies to living the early retirement lifestyle now, not later.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

THIS is why people screw up when they go abroad!

We bring you the NUMBER ONE REASON WHY people end up becoming VERY
disappointed with their move abroad and screw up, as they say, when they
go abroad. We share with you what we have experienced and know because
we have lived it--meaning everything we share is how it really is, not
what you hear or read about from those who want you to believe ALL is
rosy. As we love to say, "there is always another side to the story".


Sunday, January 5, 2020

RETIRE EARLIER REACTS: The 10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire - You Might Not Need to Work

RETIRE EARLIER REACTS toThe 10 Cheapest Countries To Live - You Might Not Need to Work Again!  These are the 10 cheapest countries according to RAMM - Retire Abroad Media and Magazine. See outline below.

The RAMM cheerleaders are always at it! It was fun making this video and we hope you enjoy watching it as much as we did creating it! See the video breakdown below and here's the link to the video we are reacting to: https://youtu.be/_fwM8K8bWH4


Thursday, January 2, 2020

If You Retire to CHEAPEST or BEST Country, How Will THAT Enhance Your Lifestyle?

If You Move to the BEST or CHEAPEST Country, how will that enhance your lifestyle? What do we mean by that? Well, the REASON you move somewhere has to give you the same kind of standards of living and same way of life that you have now because it's all about  the LIFESTYLE!  And actually the country you choose should ENHANCE your life, not take away from it.    

       Take any country for example...moving/retiring  to THAT country just because it's touted as CHEAP or the BEST is not going to sustain contentment in the long run.  BEST country, CHEAPEST country it is all very subjective anyway!    What's cheap to a Californian may not seem that cheap to a South Carolinian.  And even if ALL the boxes are checked off, it STILL doesn't mean that country is suited for you.     So, yeah, choosing a country based on how much you think you can save on your rent and grocery bill will NOT work! It won't make you happy. We realize now it is all about the lifestyle we now have, want to have and need to have. We want to enhance our lifestyle, not take away from it! Would you like to move abroad and have the expat happiness you deserve? https://tinyurl.com/wpf36s9


Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Do You Have Too Much Money to Retire Early and Be Financially Free?

Do You Have too Much Money to Retire Early and Be Financially Free?  But really we're saying, "do you SPEND" too much money to retire early and be financially free?......Some people actually have too much money and believe they need more and more money to FIRE Retire Early with financial independence.  Some of us think we need more and more money to be happy, meaning we value our happiness based on materialism rather than as a tool to give us the happiness we yearn for;  when in retrospect it is the reason we are unhappy. We discuss the elements of rational spending and irrational spending and how our belief system plays money tricks with us when trying or wanting to FIRE.  Don't let money control you life and happiness a minute longer!

Join Our Free retire earlier retire better Facebook group:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/791893957843581/ 


Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Right Mindset to Retire Early with Financial Independence and ABUNDANCE - Let's FIRE Now!

The Right Mindset to Financial Independence Retire Early Lifestyle with ABUNDANCE -- Ambition for money is good and we're not minimizing that whatsoever but too much focus on money or only focus on money keeps us off track to allowing our minds to grasp at all of the options available at our fingertips. The money part is just a tool to get us to where we need and want to go but the lifestyle with abundance that we want now is the real focus. We can focus on the money and work our tails off for the next 15 to 20 years to FIRE with delayed gratification... or with the right mindset we can retire earlier and better right now--asap; that's what we did 30 years ago and we're still living our dream lifestyle abroad! Many of you can FIRE sooner than you think! This is a motivational video. We welcome your comments and they are appreciated.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

RETIRE ABROAD CHEAP! Is It Still Worth It to Move to Cuenca Ecuador in 2020?

Are you thinking about moving to Ecuador? Is It Still Worth It to Retire or move Abroad to Ecuador in 2020? A reader writes in and asks us about Ecuador, specifically Cuenca Ecuador and is wondering if it is still worth it to move there. This video sums up what we think about the different aspects of moving to Ecuador and other overly hyped cities abroad. The other side of the story.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

EXPAT NEWS FLASH: Top 10 - Are You Taking Your OWN Country for Granted?

EXPAT NEWS FLASH: Top 10 - Are You Taking Your OWN Country for Granted?  EXPAT NEWS FLASH:  We'll bring you up to date about what we mean on that. Today we bring you 7 stories from around the world from Austerity protests to Pollution cleanup to top ten... Enjoy the News Flash and Have a Wonderful and Happy Holiday.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Things Freedom Loving Expats Should Consider Before Buying Property in a Foreign Country!

SHOULD YOU BUY PROPERTY in a Foreign Country? So what does the early retirement lifestyle mean to you? See the outline for this video below. It really comes down to, what kind of lifestyle you want to have when you go/move abroad. Before buying property in a foreign country consider the discussion in this video. There is a time and place for buying real estate and only you can answer that question when that time and place is right for you and or if ever.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

THE BEST COUNTRY for the Early Retirement Lifestyle : How to Choose a Country for EXPAT HAPPINESS

WHERE TO MOVE ABROAD for the Early Retirement Lifestyle: How to Choose a Country for Expat Happiness See outline of this video below. Most people choose a country based on what they're being told about cost of living..."it's cheap, it's cheap!" Before we move abroad there are three important factors to take into consideration that will ensure a better chance of your happiness and how long you will stay in a place. Sure, we can just follow the retire abroad media crowds but are those countries a good fit for you? Let's find out. Btw, we chose Italy because of these three factors and they have nothing to do with cost of living.


Friday, December 13, 2019

RETIRE EARLIER REACTS: Homes in Sicily Italy, sold for one euro — with a catch

RETIRE EARLIER REACTS: Homes in Sicily Italy, sold for one euro — with a catch!   Can you really buy a house in Italy for one euro? Yes, you can and we just got to tell you guys and gals the other side of the story and well, here it is. Enjoy!  To see the video we are reacting to here's the link: https://youtu.be/r1DiGSrMtz4


Sunday, December 8, 2019

RETIRE EARLIER REACTS: 7 Things We Don’t Like about Living in Panama – Expats in Boquete

RETIRE EARLIER REACTS: 7 Things We Don’t Like about Living in Panama – Expats in Boquete.  This video caught my eye when it popped up in my suggestions and when I watched it I actually thought it was...Would you like to go abroad like a pro? It's ALL about Due Diligence! https://tinyurl.com/wpf36s9


Thursday, December 5, 2019

IS THIS the MOTHER of ALL BUBBLES? You Heard It Here First!

Is THIS the MOTHER of all BUBBLES? You Heard It Here First! This is where all the bubbles in the world begin! You've got the foreigner bubble, expat bubbles, price bubble, inflation bubble, and this is the MOTHER--WHERE IT ALL BEGINS. 


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

WE WERE WRONG! New Information about where American Expats Actually LIVE in the World!

WE WERE WRONG! New Information about where American Expats Actually LIVE in the World! Well, we were only sort of wrong. There is a difference between popular countries that expats are going to now because of all the RAMM pumping and countries where the MOST North Americans live and it can be a bit confusing. Let's take a look. Last week we brought you the video about the MOST POPULAR countries that American expats live in and today we're going to talk about where in the World do most American expats actually live! It might surprise you, it did us. 


Sunday, December 1, 2019

HOW NOT TO MOVE to a FOREIGN COUNTRY BETTER and Enjoy the BEST of Both Worlds!

HOW NOT TO MOVE to a FOREIGN COUNTRY BETTER and Enjoy the BEST of Both Worlds! There is a way to tickle your fancy and have the best of both worlds!  and we explain exactly how this is possible in this video!  


Thursday, November 28, 2019


The most important thing to know BEFORE moving abroad.  We definitely need to know what it's like LIVING in a foreign country. Not only that but as we have said many times before, between the moles, public etiquette, vested interests and the RAMMs where are you really getting the whole truth or story? Public etiquette about how wonderful everything is rules the Internet! Where is the due diligence? We want you to go abroad like a pro. You pick the country we PROVIDE THE FACTS!


Tuesday, November 26, 2019


THE REAL REASON LIVING IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY Is Not Sustainable for most EXPATS.   No matter where you move to expats can feel culturally misfitted, however, we think even more so in developing countries. Numerous fears keep us from branching away from the touristy cities and enjoying all of what a country has to offer and so we stay confined to the most popular tourist areas, paying touristy prices but is that really sustainable for the long haul? Imagine living and spending like a tourist for the rest of your life?  We think it's time to avoid the retire abroad crowds and live the expat life minus the high prices and crowds.  What do you think? How to Go Abroad Like a Pro with Our Due Diligence Reports!  http://tiny.cc/dyzddz 


Thursday, November 21, 2019

THIS NEW LAW WILL CHANGE the WAY Some Americans MOVE to a Foreign Country!

THIS NEW LAW Will CHANGE the WAY Some Americans MOVE to a Foreign Country. There are all sorts of reasons why people leave the u.s and move to a foreign country but THIS REASON is at the top of the list. We know this because many expats have shared with us why they left the U.S and many said it was because of THIS REASON.. Will this new law in the U.S be a game changer for you or not? Let us know in the comments.  There is no right or wrong answer and everyone's comment is valuable.