12 countries in 12 years

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Where Is the Safest Neighborhood In Cuenca?

A concern of many new folks that move to Cuenca is safety, and rightly so. They want to know where the safe neighborhoods are. The fact is, there are only a few "not so good" areas in Cuenca and believe us, you'll be warned about them by other expats you meet and even by the Ecuadorians.  It is not so much "where you live" but "how you behave" where you live and when going out. A popular misnomer is people think it is safer to live where all the gringos live but that is not necessarily the case. Read the article we are revisiting today to find out where the two "not so good" areas of Cuenca are.

CLICK HERE....Is it Safer to live in the Gringo / Expat Areas of Cuenca?

nature, animals avoid becoming prey by blending in to their
surroundings. How far do they take it? As you may know from the old
Animal Kingdom
shows, some animals go as far as changing their color, their texture, to
in, and they bury themselves under sand, they camouflage themselves as
etc. etc. and they usually will hang alone. 

you look at animals that go together in packs, such as antelope or deer etc. or
even school of fish, you will note that their predators always go to that
location, because they know it’s fertile territory. The lion knows his chances of getting at
least one of the weaker antelope is much higher stalking a pack then trying to
find one single antelope. Similarly,
whales will go after a school of fish, because it’s much easier and a more
bountiful meal going after the whole school than just a single fish.

CLICK---Hanging Out in the Gringo Pack, Safe?  

then, how is it that gringos think they’re safer by hanging out in the gringo
pack, school, neighborhood.   Read More!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Revisiting Our Most Popular Video on YT about Ecuador: It Has Most Dislikes and Comments

Now understand when we created this video for our viewers it was meant to be non-offensive. What it was created for was to show our viewers some of the things that may surprise them when they first get to Ecuador  It is merely meant to be an informational video for those people who are thinking of moving to Ecuador.  It is our most popular video but also has the most dislikes and comments.

We can be like most people and only talk about the good or share only those things that are positive about Cuenca but what good is that to potential expatters to Cuenca? This video has gotten a lot of flack and to be honest we can't figure out why? Tell us what you think...we'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. BTW...there are way more surprises here in Cuenca than just these 10. These are the ones we knew about at the time. We're definitely going to be expanding on this video in the future. Until then, enjoy the video!

10 Things that May Surprise You (at first) about Ecuador

Some of the things we list in the video you already know about because
you are a reader of this blog! But some of these surprises you may not
know about yet. There is a lot more that could be said about "things"
that are and can be surprising about living in Ecuador, especially when
you first move here. But you know, after awhile you just start getting
used to it. But you still need to keep an eye out, because if you aren't looking
where you're walking there's sure to be a surprise on the sidewalk. And
yes, we still love Ecuador!


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Revisiting Frugal Living in Cuenca Ecuador!

This is a continuation of revisiting some of the most read articles on the Discover Cuenca Ecuador Blog. We will be displaying these popular articles through the month of December.

Some things have gone up a bit in Cuenca...there has been some inflation but it is not that noticeable. Our cost of living is still pretty much the same. Let's revisit a families cost of living in Cuenca Ecuador.

As promised here is our cost of living for our family of five adults living in Cuenca Ecuador.

Monthly Cost of Living in Cuenca Ecuador

Rent: $250

Water and Electric: $90

Propane (gas): $10

Food: $300

Internet: $72

Cell phone: $19

Vonage: $25

 Read More about our cost of living.

Are you all vegetarians?   

Someone commented on one of our restaurant videos; they asked if we were
vegetarians. We get asked that a lot. The answer to that question is
no, we are not vegetarians. But we do try to limit our intake of meat to
only twice a week because we have found it to be healthier than eating
meat every day. Read More and watch a video of one of our big shopping sprees.