12 countries in 12 years

Friday, May 31, 2013

Big $280 Rental Home in Cuenca Ecuador

This is a photo tour of a rental home in Cuenca Ecuador. The home sits on the outskirts of Cuenca and is about 7 blocks to the bus line. Because this house is outside of the city a little ways it does have a bigger yard than most of the postage stamp yards we see.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What's Going On in Cuenca Ecuador in May 2013?

It's the end of the month again and you know what that means? It means we have several different shots of video taken all over the city of Cuenca in one 2-1/2 minute video. Enjoy!


Monday, May 27, 2013

Cuenca Secure 3/2 Apartment $325, Great Location!

How would you like to walk 2 short blocks to the grocery store or 3 blocks to a three floor, huge department store and be located very close to a major bus line? Well, with this rental you can. It is a wonderful location. This rental is no longer available. See $300 Dollar Cuenca Rentals for more home tours, rental specials and updates!