12 countries in 12 years

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Brandon, What Does This Fruit Taste Like? Sapote Fruit of Ecuador

You might see the Sapote fruit in all the grocery stores in Cuenca, in fact they grow (different variety) in Florida. 

The Sapote fruit is best when made into a pudding or ice cream, however, you can just eat it like an apple, at least that is what the store clerk told us.                   

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our 16th Coastal Town Listed in the Ecuador Coast Travel Guide - Canoa Ecuador

We have a lot to share about Canoa Ecuador; it is all written in the NEW Ecuador Coast Travel Guide!

STAY TUNED for More from the Ecuador Coast!            

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

SAVE 20% Purchasing the DIY Cuenca Landing Guide or the DIY Quito Landing Guide! Limited Time Offer!


We Are excited to offer our readers a 20% discount on our Ecuador Guides!

If you buy the DIY QUITO Landing Guide, or the DIY CUENCA Landing Guide from now until March 31, 2014 you will save $4 on your purchase of either guide book. That means you pay $16 instead of $20 through March 31, 2014.


After March 31, 2014 the books go back to regular price of $20 So if you have been putting off buying either one of our DIY Landing Guides for Ecuador now is a good time to save a few bucks! 

*NOTE*To receive the 20% off discount you need to use a coupon code when you go through the purchase process. Below, in all caps is the code to use. 

Coupon Code: WAFFLESSAY20

When you go to buy the book, LULU will ask you if you have a coupon code to use. Simply copy and then paste the above code and you will save almost $4!!