12 countries in 12 years

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Brandon Tastes the Pepino Dulce Fruit, Native to South American Andes

Here is an interesting fruit native to the Andes mountain regions. It is packed with nutrition and is known as a super fruit!You can find them at Coral Centro or at any of the Mercados in Cuenca.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Retire Cheap Cuenca Ecuador: Do Expat Forums Work?

So far we have replaced a restaurant, a bakery and now a travel van service business in the DIY Cuenca Landing Guide! Why? Because prices got out of hand and skyrocketed. When we take a business or service out of the guide we always replace it with a new (better, locally priced) one. We will continue to work hard to keep the DIY Cuenca Guide updated with timely information and locally priced businesses, goods and services.


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Retire Cheap? Cuenca Ecuador Reality Check! (Ep 1 Parmesan Cheese)

We bring you this video because we think our followers want to (continue) to know the reality of what's happening in Cuenca Ecuador. This way you can make a more informed decision when it comes time to decide where you want to move or retire to. If we did not bring you our experiences and reality checks, who will?