12 countries in 12 years

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Naughty Cash Registers Exposed in Ecuador and Panama

Do you use a discount card when you shop in Panama or Ecuador? People use a discount card so they can save on groceries when they go shopping and at the end of the month, it can be quite a chunk of savings...but what if you're not getting your discount! Do you look at your receipt? This happened to us in Panama. Time to expose the naughty cash registers in Latin America!


Sunday, June 24, 2018

10 Ways You Can Stop Acting Like a Gringo in Latin America

Can gringos really stop acting like gringos in Latin America? Absolutely not, but come and join us for a fun discussion about the Latin American culture and find out more about some of the adjustments you might have to make if you moved to Latin America, such as getting used to manana time for example.