12 countries in 12 years

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Cheaper than Ecuador!

Look guys, we found something cheaper in Panama than in Ecuador! LOL Cheaper than Ecuador? Really?  VALUE!  Not everything cost more in Panama. Real Estate and produce cost more in Panama! Which are two very important things that hike up your cost of living substantially.           

Friday, July 6, 2018

How to Recognize Property Bubbles in Latin America - Avoid the Gringo Vicious Cycle

Avoid the gringo vicious cycle! Latin American real estate markets can fool you if you're not paying
close attention to these secrets. Yes, there are certain things to look
out for to recognize a property bubble in a Latin American country and
here they are.


Secrets to Recognize Property Bubbles in Latin America vs. USA - Avoid Gringo Vicious Cycle

Avoid the gringo vicious cycle! Latin American real estate markets can fool you if you're not paying close attention to these secrets. Yes, there are certain things to look out for to recognize a property bubble in a Latin American country and here they are.