12 countries in 12 years

Thursday, July 26, 2018

You've Been Moving Abroad ALL Wrong!

Why do we think you've been moving abroad all wrong? Well, it's not just you but us too, we moved abroad all wrong too! But in the early years of moving abroad, no one was telling it like it is, nor was there videos explaining this kind of stuff, so it was easy to just pack up and move to a place on the retirement circuit. We had no idea it was going to turn out like this! If we were going to do it all over again, we'd pick a place that not very many people are going.   In this video we're going to share these important insights with our dear subscribers.  (see below the video)


Have we told you lately thanks for sticking with us? We've had some of the same subscribers watch our videos and articles since 2011, now we think that's a long time. Anyway, thanks for sticking around and thank you for all of our subscribers to our blog and YT Channel. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Is Cuenca Ecuador a Copycat? Cultural Changes, Better or Worse?

Is Cuenca Ecuador a copycat? This is some of the cultural and political changes we've
seen in Ecuador since living here. At the end of this video, check out the video we made over 7 years ago, before we moved to Cuenca Ecuador about the "torn jeans" look in the U.S! What do you think about the "torn jeans culture" in the U.S? Is there more young people wearing holey jeans now or less?


Saturday, July 21, 2018

What's It Like to Send Postcard from Cuenca Ecuador? It Will Make You Smile :-)

In the age of Internet and email, we're sending a postcard! What's it like to send a postcard from Cuenca Ecuador to Italy? The story will make you smile. Cuenca always makes us smile.