12 countries in 12 years

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Lean Regular and Fat

The problem I have with the numbers in the F.I.R.E. community is that they have never applied to me.

Now I'm not saying they won't apply to many of the adherents and maybe even most of them.

The first thing is the terminology. Like 'lean'. 

This gives the impression of an emaciated person that is not eating enough, a minimalist that has nothing or a frugal person that is 'taking out' things from his list of wants and needs and going without.

The second thing is the numbers. I subscribe to the idea that numbers don't lie, but they can be misleading.

 For example many know that statistics can be manipulated to make a point.

For me for example, and this is just one example, I calculated my net expense over a thirty year period for 'health care' has been $77 per year. This is for a family of 5.

Does that make me lean?

 A fat fire person might talk about spending $15,000 to $27,000 per year on just that figure. Does that make them wrong? Of course not. 

 It's where they are in life and it's what they know and understand so far. 

Clearly this is not a conversation about health insurance. It's about numbers and what you believe has a direct effect on your number, keeping in mind that people's beliefs are a constantly evolving paradigm. 

My situation is the direct result of having achieved FI at a normally understood very young age of my mid 20's. 

This has allowed me a lot more time on my hands than people that are still working trying to achieve a high number,

 and one of the things I did with that time is spend it learning more about what it takes to be a healthy person, and how to take care of my health in the event things aren't going according to plan.

I'm not advocating everyone do this, it's just part of my real life example, 

which according to some personal finance bloggers shaved off anywhere from $400,000 to $1.3 million off of a retirement figure on 4% or 2% for early fat fires lifetime safe withdrawal rules for just that one thing.

In the interest of brevity, I will leave it at that one exaple for this post, but there are many other things I could talk about.

The bottom line is that because I achieved FI earlier I was also able to figure out how to do it even better without any 'lean' in my lifestyle. 

Without any judgement, I'm saying the end result is the same or better than someone that thinks they have to keep working so they can amass a very high number so they can...etc...etc...etc...

Take a look at the picture, that's my wife and I in the middle of the week swimming in our pool, and we did this every day though out the long southern summer months, from June through September.

I'm sure that was better for my health than sitting at a desk 50 hours per week for another 10 or 20 years.

If someone wants to call it lean, well, they are entitled to their opinion. Numbers don't lie but figures mislead. 

Be careful who you listen to, and congratulations on being in a supportive group of people that want to figure out how to do it earlier and better.


We're all on the same page. We want to be Financially Independent and Early Retired. 

We scrimp and save and invest. We do a double take. 

We take on 'side hustles' which are just more hours per week working.

We're stressed. Our minds and bodies are tired. Our home life suffers, as do friendships and maybe even family relationships. 

 We have no balance, but the goal is good. It's just how we're going about it that is flawed.

If the double take only entailed a year or maximum two years of sacrifice, it might be more fun.

 At least you could actually see the light at the end of the tunnel.

On top of all that scenario, there's the looming issues with timing, as it relates to the particular moment in time which we are in now with market valuations being at the undesireable top end. 

According to the graph (see pic.) all this sacrificing might turn out to be all for naught. 

Imagine asking your work place to actually lower your working hours. 

 Imagine you are able to ditch your low paying side hustle. Imagine more balance coming into your life, less tress, more happiness.

 No more austerity and deprivation. 

You're able to spend more time with your loved ones. This brings warmth and joy into your life and theirs.

More relative disposable income flows into your life, which means your standard of living is maintained or improved and your life is just so much better than before. 

You made a good decision. The decision to take your life back but without the worry. Having you cake and eating it too. 

I'm so glad I made this choice early on in my life, three decades ago. And now I'm blogging about it.

If you want to have a chat about where you are and where you would like to be, we'll do our best to give you clarity on how to get there.
Reach out in the comments, or you can direct message me. Frank Louis