12 countries in 12 years

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How Has the Coronavirus (COVID 19) Affected You? Putting This Pandemic into Proper Perspective!

How Has the Coronavirus (Covid 19) Affected You? We cover a lot of ground in this video from personal messages about how the virus has affected people from around the world, to putting this whole thing into perspective which was very much needed. It is very much needed because what people don't know or understand, they fear. We know this first hand from when we became infected with a deadly parasite and panicked!! Never again will we allow fear to control our response; instead we seek out the truth, the facts and gain knowledge. Research is knowledge and when we gain the knowledge we understand something in a whole different light and that light reduces the fear and gives us a better understanding of an issue so we can respond appropriately. Soooo, lets get started!

Saturday, March 21, 2020


We've always reminded our followers to be careful 'where' you get your information. 

 Unfortunately there are not that many places where one can get the unvarnished facts. 

 In fact there is a shortage of them, and many people don't even realize that they are themselves blocking out the information they need by being very non chalant about it.

 By the time this kind of information finally breaks out it's been many years and many have fallen victim to misinformation. 

Yes we live in the 'information age'/mis...information age.

But more than that, we live in an age where one must dig through many feet of rubble to get to the truth, and many don't have the tenacity or willingness to know it.  Why?

This 'mis...information' theme is pervasive in all areas of the online sphere which is broadly categorized as 'FAKE NEWS'.

No subject matter seems to be spared, not the least the FIRE community, Financial Independence Retire Early.

It is not exclusive to large news outlets, as you see in the photo, it's every where coming from all directions including vloggers, bloggers our favorite social media portals and otherwise known as mainstream news articles.

So congratulations for landing on this page and this blog and staying with it.  Check out our other articles and bookmark it.  And if you have any suggestions or comments let us know below.