12 countries in 12 years

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Subscriber Confronted Me about My Penny Pinching Retire Early Lifestyle

Unbelievable! A few years back a subscriber confronted me about my penny
pinching retire early lifestyle. Just to be a bit more clear, watch the
video and find out what it really means to live abroad and interact
with different cultures on a daily basis... and when buying something,
trying not to be taken advantage of because you're the foreigner. We
hope you enjoy our videos. We would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks

Sunday, December 27, 2020

FORCED to LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHIND during our Retire Early Lifestyle

We always travel with just the clothes on our back, literally, and yet
almost everywhere we have gone we end up accumulating things, you know
STUFF! Would we do things differently next time? Probably not. This
video is about some of our experience with all the things you end up
buying when traveling and some of the solutions that make it easier to
give up the things you accumulate when traveling and living around the
globe. We can't count the times that we have literally lost it all!
However, there is a ray of sunshine at the end of the tunnel and we're
going to talk about that too. We'll let you know the next time we are
forced to leave everything behind during our retire early lifestyle.
Share your thoughts. Your comments are always welcome.