12 countries in 12 years

Showing posts with label frank and angie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frank and angie. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2020

COVID-19 PANDEMIC: This Is What’s Really Happening Behind Closed Doors! End the Madness Already!

This is what's really happening but the media doesn't cover this. Instead they continue to keep people in fear over what we now know to be the common flu! In the meantime behind closed medical doors something sinister is going on and caregivers are afraid to talk because of fear they'll get fired and they should be fired and arrested! And then they want healthy people to submit themselves to this broken system to get a COVID-19 immunity passport so they can work, travel, LIVE Life. This tyranny is just the beginning of more of your freedoms taken from you!! When will this madness end? After we all STAND FOR TRUTH! See below the video on YT in the description for more important details of what's really happening to you and your families freedoms!


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Bill Gates Vaccine Exposed: What THEY Don't Want You To Know PLUS Other News Flashes!

Bill Gates founder of Miscrosoft has morphed into a health care and vaccine provider. What in the world? The over used quote "money talks" comes to mind. Amazing! If Mr. Gates was not wealthy no one would listen to what he has to say about health and vaccines.

As they scurry to prepare "a vaccine to save people from a new dangerous virus" other terrible things are happening around the world. On the surface, a vaccine to save lives sounds positive but what is the other side to this story? And does anyone care what the other side to the story is?

It seems to us a lot of people are watching the fake news and don't know what is happening all over in the world today. You know there is a lot of chaos going on in the world right now but the fake media does not cover that. And by far the most disturbing new developement today is the ability of big brother to get everyone to comply to a global lockdown amid this novel flu virus.

We recently did a poll in our YT community asking our viewers what do you think is happening in the world right now and the results so far have been very interesting. If you haven't voted yet, go give it a try. Take care of yourself!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

If the Coronavirus Is So Contagious How Come...?

We're curious, if this is such a contagious virus why do the medical team and other task force people always stand so close to each other? They stand a foot apart from each other, shoulder to shoulder  as they wait for president Trump to walk in and begin the coronavirus briefing.  And why aren't they wearing a mask? They're all in the HIGH RISK AGE GROUP and Birx doesn't look that healthy either. They never follow their own guidelines they are enforcing on everyone else.  

"We all need to wear masks and practice social distancing now". Really?

And what about the reporters just coming in off the street?

And not to mention with all of those journalists in there. I mean who knows where they have been and what kind of germs and viral microbes they have picked up. What about Dr. Birx’s advice about staying away from people, even if they are asymptomatic and not sick?  That’s what this whole quarantine thing is about, right?  Quarantining the asymptomatic (healthy ones) from the vulnerable population?  And of course, you do realize that the asymptomatic population is about 85% to 90% of the population. So instead of quarantining the vulnerable population which is 10% to 15% they quarantine the majority and then lockdown the world.  Convenient?

Interesting little gathering everyday, same social closeness, uh?

Birx, Fauci and everyone else seem to have no regard for social distancing. The whole lot of them are endangering their life by being around all of those reporters and the rest of the frontline task force in that small room, breathing in the same air, while everyone, according to her is suspected of having the virus, even when they have absolutely no symptoms.  This is strange as strange can be for such a highly contagious virus where, according to them just talking to someone you can get the dis-ease. Oooooowww

BTW, viruses are not diseases. Calling it a disease sounds a lot scarier than just a virus. If they can make a mountain out of a mole hill they will. But, it's still just a mole hill for us and has been since we started updating our subscribers and viewers about the coronavirus and it's agendas. 

Our last couple of videos have been very relevant to this post and it shows factual studies done back in 2009 showing that asymptomatic folks really are not that contagious as they are wanting the public to believe. We’re not saying it is not impossible but you’re much more likely to catch something from a person who is actually exhibiting symptoms than from someone who is not exhibiting symptoms as in asymptomatic. So, these few points are just something for everyone to think about. 

If you missed our last couple of videos discusing this topic, here they you go...and thanks for watching our videos and reading our blog. 

Did you know there are people fed up with the lockdown and are protesting?  - https://youtu.be/yBgFKlP8o-w

Covid 19 Pandemic - Exposing the Lies and Manipulation of the Coronavirus - https://youtu.be/5RSdlSB-m6M

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

People Fed Up with Lockdown But the Tyrants Don't Want Society Back to Normal

What does serve and protect mean to you? Tyranny is the opposite of 'to serve and protect'. How much longer and how many more lives will be destroyed because of flu season? People are getting very upset and for good reason, more and more protests around the United States and people starving all over the world. Many people's jobs have been taken away and some of those people will never be able to regain their livelihood. And yet some states and countries with ruling tyrants will not even consider lifting the lockdown, not even with education. Does that sound right to you? Being a tyrant is an emotional position because it takes high levels of hatred to behave in such a way!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

This is what we'll do when the chinavirus hits again next year!

We live our life not by what others do but by our personal experiences and mistakes and learning, knowledge and application. When something works and you experience positive results over and over again, you keep applying that knowledge in your life. When something does not work, you stop applying that knowledge in your life. We share with you today 30-plus years of living experience of what we do to stay safe. And then you can do with this knowledge whatever your heart and mind tells you. We find this video to be aptly appropriate at this time considering the cirumstances of the day. This is what we'll do when the chinavirus hits again next year and the year after that and the year after that....


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lockdown News Flash: Time to Focus on the Living-the other side of the story

Today we're going to talk about the other side of the headlines. There is too much political bashing and hatred, too much doom and gloom news that takes us away from focusing on the majority of people who have already recovered from the virus and of the millions and millions of people that have not even become sick with the virus but they can't work because they are on a total lockdown. Why doesn't the mainstream media (msm) report about all of the healthy people, from all over the world, who are not able to go to work and feed their families?

It used to be the news was balanced and unbiased. What happened to that kind of journalism? Politics have completely controlled the way people behave as individuals and towards each other. Very unprofessional reporting once again coming from the msm. Two weeks ago we had to literally purge the msm news channels from our home page and we are so glad we did because really, it's time to focus on the living and what they are going through; while some of it is sad and unfortuate to see. it's the other side of the story that only a few news outlets cover.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

EXPAT NEWS FLASH Special Update March 29 2020

Expat News Flash Special Update March 29, 2020. In today's news flash we have several updates on what's going on around the world and tidbits of news that you might want to know.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

WHY LOCKDOWNS DON'T WORK! Were All the People in Line Infected with Coronavirus Today?

Why are sick people still allowed to go to work during a lockdown? And why would a sick person even want to go to work? How is this helping the majority of people who aren't sick but are around sick people during a supposed lockdown? Why lockdowns don't work! Was I just infected with the coronavirus and all the people in the line behind me infected too? Sick people, please go home!

FYI: Influenza A vs. Coronavirus - Which one is more dangerous? CDC: So far, the new coronavirus has led to more than 220,000 illnesses and more than 9,300 deaths worldwide. But that's nothing compared with the flu, also called influenza. In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 36 million illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Sunday, March 22, 2020

How Has the Coronavirus (COVID 19) Affected You? Putting This Pandemic into Proper Perspective!

How Has the Coronavirus (Covid 19) Affected You? We cover a lot of ground in this video from personal messages about how the virus has affected people from around the world, to putting this whole thing into perspective which was very much needed. It is very much needed because what people don't know or understand, they fear. We know this first hand from when we became infected with a deadly parasite and panicked!! Never again will we allow fear to control our response; instead we seek out the truth, the facts and gain knowledge. Research is knowledge and when we gain the knowledge we understand something in a whole different light and that light reduces the fear and gives us a better understanding of an issue so we can respond appropriately. Soooo, lets get started!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

You Would Never Know There Was a Pandemic Until the Coronavirus Grounded Us Here!

OUTLINE BELOW - In 2 months time we have traveled to 4 countries and in the first half of this video we're going to share some of our light-hearted travel experiences in those countries. You would never be able to tell there was a global pandemic unless you watched the news and YT videos. . However, overnight Right now the country we're in is going into panic mode and we'll update you with that as well. Take care and stay healthy!

0:01 Our firsthand experience with the Armenia police.
1:58 The best food and cultural experience was in Tbilisi Georgia!
2:59 Malta is the most international country out of the 4 we visited.
7:56 Bulgaria is a very touristy but very nice, clean country
10:05 Overnight this country went into full blown panic-mode over the coronavirus! Here is our update on that.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What's It Like to Travel and Fly during these CV CRAZY Times! Airport Testing

In this video we bring you all the details of what happened during our travels on two different flights from Georgia flying to Bulgaria with a layover, actually a nightover in the Milan Bergamo Italy International airport. When we got to the airport in Italy it was just like what you see in the movies. We got a hazmat red carpet airport welcome and more fun stuff! We also update you with our first impressions of Sofia Bulgaria. Enjoy!
0:01 Introduction to the video
1:10 We had to check out of our Airbnb at noon and our flight not until 9:30pm YIKES!
2:31 The details of what it was like to travel and fly during these CV crazy times.
10:20 First impressions of Sofia Bulgaria


Sunday, March 8, 2020

Expat News Flash: Plus the Coronavirus and our travel and flight plans update!

See outline for this video below. EXPAT NEWS FLASH - Plus Covid 19 Coronavirus Pandemic and Our Flight and Travel Plans. We're just telling you what is happening and how it really is with subjects that people need to know about. We will never stop being upfront about issues that we talk about in our videos...
0:01 INTRO
0:15 Coronavirus facemask price gouging
2:05 Salinas Beach Ecuador Contaminated
3:18 Our boots on the ground friend that lives in Chile lets us know in detail what's really happening inside the walls of Chile. Santiago Chile.
8:56 Grocery shop online in the USA and Thailand
10:21 News expats will want to know about the country of Georgia and permanent residency
15:19 Our travel plans may be severly disrupted because of the Coronavirus pandemic across the globe. Update to what is happening at the end of this newsflash.


Thursday, March 5, 2020

Watch Us Dispel the BS about Pricing and Costs for Living and Retiring Abroad

We cover the basic costs for food, rent, utilities and transportation living abroad. This is not about being a tourist somewhere but actual residing abroad. We dispel the misconceptions that abound all over the Internet about pricing and costs. We also reveal some of our costs of living in Italy, which as most of you already know, we pay $340 for our furnished long term rental. Soooo, watch us dispel the misconceptions about pricing and costs for living and retiring abroad.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Our Nomad Breakout Begins After 30 Years of FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) Lifestyle

We are traveling even more now and this is where we're at today, where we're going soon and what's going to happen with our travels. We started our FIRE journey in the states even before FIRE (financial independence retire early) was a household word and then we took it to South America and now we're in Europe doing some nomad travel. We take our FIRE lifestyle wherever we go. Are we going to keep traveling?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

RETIRE EARLIER REACTS: International Retirement Top 10 Mistakes - SABOTAGE!

International Retirement Top 10 Mistakes that can sabotage your experience - Outline below. VIDEO we are reacting to: https://youtu.be/kpEkv5kIWf8
We reacted to 9 out of 10 of these mistakes and here they are. Enjoy!
0:01 - INTRO
0:51 - Expats make this mistake too soon and many times it comes back with a vengence.
3:28 - Doing this too soon could become a huge mistake as well as time and money waster.
6:24 - Are you falling in love with the first country-girl who comes along?
7:11 - Do not let this mistake tempt you or you might be sorry.
9:06 - A lot of folks err on this one and it's usually a bad idea for many reasons.
10:28 - People make this mistake and it backfires on them and they go back home.
13:40 - This is the most popular mistake people make when they move abroad!
14:40 - Things are very different in every country so don't make the mistake of assuming it's the same as where you came from.
15:26 - We skipped this one.
15:51 - Trying to live like a king and queen never saves you money. Doing this will make your costs higher than where you came from!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Travel Wherever You Want Whenever: It's the LIFESTYLE Retire Earlier and Better Financial Independence

Are you living the retire early, financially free lifestyle or would you like to? We're still not retirement age and we're doing it... and for years! Recently we decided to stop chasing the weather and many more options and possibilities have opened up for us. It's not about following the crowds and being stuck in a certain location because of "spring like weather" or because it's "cheap"!! For us it's about having the flexibility to go wherever you want whenever you want!. Sooooo retire earlier retire better financial independence -- that's what it's about! And that is what makes us PROfessional travelers.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

"You Can't Live Here It's Dangerous! You Need to Live in the Gringo Neighborhood!"

When we first moved to Cuenca Ecuador we were abruptly told by a local: You Can't Live Here It's Dangerous! You Need to Live in the Gringo Neighborhood! At the time we did not know that the river areas were not that great after dark but we persisted in going local as we had it set in our minds to learn Spanish and blend in... and well, here is the rest of that story and more insights for pro travel and pro expat!


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

RETIRE EARLIER REACTS: 13 Easiest Countries for Americans to Move to!

See Outline Below: 13 Easiest countries for Americans to move to and the realities they forgot to mention about these countries.
Here is the video we're reacting to today! https://youtu.be/Xma_NFfaIJA
00:01 INTRO
00:31 - They say this country needs educated workers and has numerous jobs for expats with trades and skills. Is that you?
1:25 - So the video narrator says this country is the most like the USA plus no need to learn a new language here.
4:24 - This country was one time cheap but now expats are leaving, many say it is too expensive and crime ridden.
5:43 - Most modern country in Central America? Not quite!
7:19 - This is a favorite hot spot for many Americans.
9:04 - Nice country, we we;re just there and it is not really as inexpensive as they say.
10:32 - This country has a lot to offer but is it really easy for foreigners to move there? Think again.
11:51 - Most of our viewers had their eye on this country but do they still? -- That's the big question.
13:21 - This country will give the expat 365 days of tropical weather!
14:49 - This beautiful country is not that easy for older people to move to unless you want to farm.
16:27 - Can't leave out this country! It's on everyone's list of best and cheapest.
17:57 - Number one easiest country for Americans to move to? Hmmm..


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Day in the Life in Eastern Europe FAR Away from the RAMM Hoopla!

Today we're sharing with you some of the enjoyment of travel as a FIRE couple. At the moment we happen to be in Eastern Europe. As most of you know, our channel is not about hyping up a location; everyone promotes locations but there is a way to do it without blowing things out of proportion. In other words, we're not chasing the "best" or the "cheapest" because there is no such thing! For us it's more about lifestyle in a location and not so much the location itself and of course, staying far, far away from the RAMM hoopla! - Retire Abroad Media and Magazine HYPE!


Sunday, February 9, 2020

The 3 Dirty Words that Help Us to Be Financially Independent ALL THESE YEARS!

The 3 Dirty Words that Help Us to Be Financially Independent All THESE YEARS! Much of western society has lost touch with or forgotten how to apply these 3 little (not dirty) words into their daily life, and so is it any wonder people are worker longer and harder hours just to have anything? We never allowed ourselves to get caught up in that way of living and well, here we are living like millionaires without being millionaires. Don't let these 3 little (not dirty) words stop you from being free from the 9 to 5 work schedule and to live the freedom lifestyle you want to live today!