12 countries in 12 years

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Food Shortages in the U.S WILL HAPPEN RIGHT NOW If This Keeps Happening!

**COVID-19 PANDEMIC and the affects it has on agribusiness/agriculture in the U.S is a real problem. MUST WATCH new information just out from a farmer whistleblower (see link below) telling the world what is happening in the U.S right now with the cattle farms and crops! To really understand this issue is to recognize the three main reasons that cause food shortages in the first place.

We begin the video with some of the major famines in history and why they happened. This will give you an insight and foundation to work off of and then we'll talk about what is happening today, which it all ties in together. Just recently, U.S Senator from Kansas concerned his views about the future of agri-buisness and meat processing plants in the U.S, and he thinks there is a huge problem on the horizon as well. If this keeps happening there will be a major problem with your food supply chain and especially the value and quality of the food! SERIOUS STUFF! Welcome to the new normal. BTW, see outline for this video below.
*Shad Stevens Whistleblower speaks out about farming in the U.S ! MUST WATCH*

What history can teach us about F.I.R.E. financial independence retire early


Back in the day when I was getting started as a multiple small business owner, and prior to becoming one, I used to study successful people.  
I would read their autobiographies, and biographies, and anything I could get my hands on, that was written about them.
I’ve already listed some of these people in previous posts.
Here’s another one.  Sir James Goldsmith.  
Now, before I got on, please understand that I do not worship these characters.
Meaning, I use the principle of “test all things and hold on to that which is good”.
So I sift what I learn with an eye for what I can compartmentalize and cherry pick what I can use to possibly implement in my life now, 
or maybe a principle I can store in my mental war chest for possible later use.

So, in a nutshell, Sir James Goldsmith spent his life buying and selling companies, became a billionaire before the age of 50, then in the late 80’s retired to his mansion in Mexico.

There’s more to that story, but here’s a morsel for the F.I.R.E community.  Financial Independence Retire Early.
After he ‘retired’ to his mansion in Mexico in 87’, as a billionaire,  as huge as that is today, it was even more huge back in the 80’s.
Get this, he was still buying companies through proxy.  

Wala’, he was working from home.
Will you get a load of them apples.
He figured out a way to work from home even before the internet. 
 Before you tube, facebook, net meeting if you still remember that one, and now Zoom.
The guy had a lot of skeletons in his closet but remember, “test all things, and hold on to that which is good”.

Want to know how you can embrace the financially independent retire early lifestyle, earlier and better?  Click here.

F.I.R.E. financial independence retire early blog, more articles.